Design Consulting, Art Direction, + Visual Art by Jen Shepard
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Motion and Video

 Photomontage Cine Roman – Pratt Foundations 4D Design

In this assignment students created an animation using Adobe Premiere based on a poem or short piece of prose. This was an existing Pratt 4D assignment that I expanded upon by asking that students use photomontage as part of their process of making. Students created collages for the still frames, made using both photography and hand created elements. Students were also allowed to add animation elements and music in addition to foley sound.

Photomontage Cine Roman | Pratt Foundations 4D Design

Photomontage Cine Roman | Pratt Foundations 4D Design

Letterform Animations | Hofstra New Media Design

For this project Hofsta New Media Design students were asked to create a mock-podcast intro, using a logo and podcast concept they created themselves. They used Premiere Pro and Photoshop to construct their videos and also found and original photographs.

Letterform animation with sound design for a mock-podcast | Hofstra New Media Design

Letterform animation with sound design for a mock-podcast | Hofstra New Media Design

Letterform animation with sound design for a mock-podcast | Hofstra New Media Design

Letterform animation with sound design for a mock-podcast | Hofstra New Media Design

Continuity Editing | Pratt Foundations 4D

In this assignment students learned the fundamentals of continuity editing. They wrote, shot and edited all of their own scenes themselves.

Continuity editing assignment | Pratt Foundations 4D

Metric Montage | Pratt Foundations 4D

In this assignment I asked students to create a montage using footage they shot themselves. They edited it in Photoshop and Premiere Pro and added their own foley and diagetic sounds. Then they were asked to play with the timing of the footage using a system of randomization. In the second video they were additionally asked to redistribute their footage to other students to ad another layer of randomization.

Metric Montage

Experimental Metric Montage | Pratt Foundations 4D

Typology Animation | Pratt Foundations 4D

In this assignment students were asked to photograph a “typology” or series or related objects. They were then asked to animate the images into a continuous flow and invited to add additional transitions and sound.

Typology – Pratt Foundations 4D

Typology featuring students’ original photography of doors around Brooklyn, created in Photoshop exclusively